1991 (Zelda: A Link to the Past, Another World, Toejam & Earl, Final Fantasy Adventure, Hunter, Golden Axe Warrior, D/Generation, Midwinter II, Cybercon III and Legend of the Mystical Ninja are released)
Wonder Boy in Monster World/Monster World III/Dynastic Hero (MD, 1991/PCE CD, 1993)
Ufouria (NES, 1991)
Metroid II (GB, 1991)
Popful Mail (PC-88, 1991/PC-98, 1992/PCE CD, 1994)(Untranslated)
Fantastic Dizzy/The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (NES, 1991/Multi, 1993)
Ax Battler (GG, 1991)
Quackshot starring Donald Duck (MD, 1991)
​Magician (NES, 1991)
​Secret Scout in the Temple of Demise (NES, 1991)
Toshi Tensou Keikaku: Eternal City (PCE/TG16, 1991)
Spellbound Dizzy (Multi, 1991)
Cocoron (NES, 1991)
Commander Keen IV: Secret of the Oracle (PC, 1991)?​​
Hunter (AMI)(Hunter/Adventure mode)
Star Wars (NES, 1991/SMS, 1993?)
Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolk (Multi, 1991)
Exile (PCE CD/MD) (Telenet/Riot version) - ARPG
Captain America and the Avengers (NES, 1991)
Cybercon III (AMI/ST, 1991/PC, 1992)
​Midwinter II: Flames of Freedom (ST/AMI, 1991/PC, 1992)
Clystron (C64)
Legend of the Mystical Ninja (SNES)
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (NES)
Kid Icarus: Of Myths & Monsters (GB)
Elf (AMI)
Rent-a-Hero (MD)
Conan the Cimmerian (PC)
Mission/Misja (Atari XL, 1991)
Miecze Valdgira/Valdgir's Swords (Atari XL, 1991)
Metal Mutant (AMI/ST/PC, 1991)
James Pond 2: Codename Robocod (Multi)
Mega Man 4 (NES)
Another World (AMI etc., 1991)
Eye of the Beholder series (PC)
Crossed Swords (ARC/NG, 1991)?