​Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap/Monster World II: Dragon no Wana (SMS, 1989/PCE, 1990/GG, 1992)
Subgenre: ARPG-ish (hub town, shops, player forms have gear affinities, slightly randomized damage outputs)/Zelda-like Platform Adventure
Movement Mechanics: Flight (as hawk man), Swimming (as piranha man)
​Other: Overworld and dungeons split, Escape sequence
First area ties into the prequel (used later in Castlevania: SotN)
Transform into different anthropomorphic animal forms with different abilities that let you progress further and reach various items (Lizard Man - can shoot fireballs and doesn’t take damage from lava without a certain armor, Mouse Man - can climb checkerboard blocks and fit in tight spaces but has poor reach when attacking, Piranha Man - can swim, Lion Man - can swing above his head, Hawk Man - can fly but not go underwater without taking damage)
Can transform anywhere w/ a secret gear combo
Password save (loading one resets consumable items in chests which makes it easier to grind for charm stones for example)
Charm stones determine if you can or can't buy certain gear (in the SMS and PCE versions - on GG they are used to teleport back to town instead))
No map
Some sequence breaking possibilities (can do Lion Man's area before the pirate ship, more with the tasmanian sword which is gained in that area)
Playthrough - Video Review - Mini Review & SMS vs. GG Comparison
Influenced by: Probably Zelda II, Castlevania II, possibly Maze of Galious, SMB3, Legacy of the Wizard, Zillion, Ys III, Wai Wai World
Influenced: Probably CV: Symphony of the Night, Popful Mail, possibly Ufouria, Wizards & Warriors III, TMNT III (GB)