Main Frame (C64, 1987 or 1988?) - WIP
Subgenre: Kinda similar to Milon's Secret Castle and Metroid Movement Mechanics: Flight via jetpack, underwater swimming via water unit/submarine Other: Homebase (orbiter) area, Cyberpunk theme
Mostly linear? (can go left to the water area right away but it seems you won't have enough air)
Start with the jetpack and sub but need to collect fuel for them - these can be break but also be repaired at your homebase
Multiple teleport beacon items (scan units - can browse locations to teleport to after placing more than one)
Partially destructible environment (can raise buildings to the ground like in Rampage - no gameplay use though?)
Resource management (fuel, suit energy (exccess power), air tanks)
Background doors leading into caves and buildings (Space Hunter, Milon's Secret Castle, Zelda II, CV2, etc)
Some hidden rooms
A few breakable walls that are easy to spot and don't require any alternate weapons
No save or password save?
No map?