Hunter X Hunter: Kindan no Hihou (GBC, 2001)(Untranslated)? - WIP

​Subgenre: CV-style ARPG (HP+attack+defense+ability points/MP, find or buy gear and items, spells)
Other: Move like normal under water
Mostly linear?, Not much backtracking or exploration compared to CV or Metroid? (seems you go back to near the beginning at one point at least)
Multiple playable chars (can eventually switch on the fly, white-haired kid can slide, orange-haired kid can move straight upwards or sideways with a hookshot/chain - similar to Zelda 3, )
Map feature (basic layout, your location, some points of interest)
Healing/save rooms
Minor ability gating? (hookshot is used a little bit - not sure if required, some tool to go through water without taking damage? not required though)
No fast travel (one teleporter maze in the late game)
Influenced by: Castlevania series