Jet Force Gemini (N64, 1999)? - WIP
Subgenre: TPS/Action Platformer, Collectathon/Rescue mission (100% completion required! - pretty tedious in that they can easily get killed during combat with enemies), Some fetch quests, Racing segment
Movement Mechanics: Underwater swimming, hovering and jetpack flight
Other: Asymmetric co-op (floyd the flying robot sidekick), Hub map (adds locations as you find them), Goldwood and spaceship SS Anbusi are partial hub areas, Can teleport out of a planet and back to a previous location at any point?
Single entry points to levels?
Three different playable chars each with a different special ability (juno - walk on lava and through fire without taking damage, lupus (dog) - hover via thrusters, vela - swim and breath underwater+gains a jetpack later on) - After rescuing them you can switch between levels
Partially non-linear structure (can go to a planet before you're supposed to to partially explore it and gain a weapon)
Some backtracking to progress and for optional items with gained chars/abilities
Some breakable walls (tri-rocket launcher) and dark rooms (hold or shoot consumable flares)
Ammo and health upgrades
No area maps (large, maze-like levels)
Save feature (10 slots, in-between levels)
Influenced by: Metroid series, probably Zelda series, Mario 64, possibly SW: Dark Forces 2, Donkey Kong 64 (or the other way around), MDK, Tomb Raider series, Mega Man Legends
Influenced: Star Fox Adventures, possibly Ratchet & Clank