Mega Man Legends (PS1, 1997)
Subgenre: Zelda-like 3D Platformer/TPS/AA (town/overworld hub w/ NPCs and shops, various upgrades to buy and find, side quests)
Perspective: TP view w/ FP view stationary aiming mode
Other: Hub area, Most dungeons are interconnected, Partially mission-based
Mostly linear structure (you can sometimes choose between two dungeons but you're guided towards the "right" one and picking the other one is kind of redundant since the game doesn't let you explore it fully at that point, you'll gain new abilities over the course of the game (such as a drill and high jump) which let you explore previous areas fully for optional upgrades)
Save points (outside of dungeons and missions)
Auto-mapper dungeon map with mini-map feature (very zoomed in mini-map though and the map doesn't show chests nor dungeon sub area names or floors, you also can't switch between visited dungeon sub areas on the map screen, can't put markers on the map) and town/island overworld map without (this latter map is also kinda vague as it doesn't show your exact location nor most of the buildings)
Quick travel with the support car/van (can be called from anywhere except dungeons and the big airship, only to a few locations at first but more are added as you visit them after getting the walkie-talkie)
No sequence breaking w/o glitches
Playthrough - Video Review - Mini Review
Influenced by: Probaby Mystical Ninja (N64), Tomb Raider or Mario 64, Zelda: A Link to the Past, possibly The Divide, Super Metroid, Terranigma or Illusion of Gaia or Alundra
Influenced: Possibly Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Brave Fencer Musashi, Soul Reaver, Outcast