Lands of Lore II/Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny (PC, 1997) - WIP
Subgenre: 3D-ish ARPG/AA (2D and FMV elements; use-based stat progression however equipment has more of an effect, crafting, moral decisions, some friendly NPCs)
Perspective: FP view
Movement Mechanics: Jumping and swimming
Other: A binary morality system binary affects which of seven different endings you'll get, Auto-aiming system for spells, Can't swim
Optional areas
Some tools/spells for traversal/exploration (lizard form (go into small spaces, run fast, stronger magic/weaker physical attacks+can't use items), beast form can push boulders and has a strong physical attack but can't use items nor magic, invisibility, torches and fire spell to light them, blind, hologram, )
Box stacking puzzles
Save anywhere+timed auto-saves
At some predetermined points the morphing is randomized and at some points there are arbitrary triggers that make you go back to human form (can lead to death)
Stats are restored to full when morphing
Context sensitive melee/ranged weapon system if you have one of each equipped
GA2/Dungeon Keeper-style spell charge system (hold button down for stronger spell)
Can die from old age from time spells at one point
Dragon mount for fast travel (cutscene?) at one point (or you can use a shortcut)
Some serious bugs
Influenced by: Probably Eye of the Beholder series, Might & Magic series, Betrayal at Krondor, possibly SMB3, Illusion of Gaia, Wonder Boy III
Influenced: Possibly Elder Scrolls: Redguard