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Bomberman 64 (N64, 1997)

Bomberman 64 (N64, 1997)

3D, Near TD view (high angle, limited camera movement - 8 rotation angles and can't be tilted on the x-plane/vertically, two zoom levels), World select (linear progression between levels in worlds though) and maze levels

No jumping but can bounce on bombs to move between platforms (mainly used early on)

  • No permanent tools/abilites gained that let you reach new areas in previous levels or progress in new areas (you do find temporary upgraded bombs which let you explore further into the current level and get all the gold cards however)
    Saves between levels (one slot per game but can copy your data) and pretty frequent checkpoints
    Various exploration focused and maze-like levels (have to manually rotate the camera to see hidden things). Worlds 2-3 are generally more straightforward though

  • Minor-fairly complex puzzles here and there and somewhat more varied levels (no jumping but can bounce on bombs to move between platforms - using remote controlled bombs you can make repeated and longer jumps and reach teleporters to new parts of levels*, alter the level layout in different ways such as by destroying the pillars to open up the roof of a structure with bomb kicks, )

  • Some large scale environmental changes (world 2 water level lowering and aqueduct assembly, world 4 avalanche)

Mini Review

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