Adventure Island IV/Takahashi Meijin no Bouken Jima IV (NES, 1994)
​Subgenre: Zelda/Milon's Secret Castle-like (some dungeons)
Other: Hub area, Home building, Some NPCs
Switch between 3 chars on the fly (reddish purple one lets you move in lava, purple pteranodon lets you fly, sea animal lets you swim a bit faster (not that useful), triceratops lets you do roll and jump attacks (similar to Sonic) and avoid sinking in quicksand; these can be put away in the inventory like in Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle)
Mostly linear structure
Password save
Vague map system
Limited teleportation via the egg+get teleported home after bosses+a teleport to home item
Playthrough - Video Review - Mini-Review
Influenced by: Wonder Boy/Monster World series, possibly Zelda II, Faxanadu, Legacy of the Wizard
Influenced: Possibly Super Adventure Island II