Midwinter II: Flames of Freedom (ST/AMI, 1991/PC, 1992)
Subgenre: 3D Action Adventure, Mission-based (assassination, sabotage, recruitment, rescue, destruction of particular enemy unit or seizure of vital documents; overall goal is to liberate a number of slave islands)
Perspective: FP View
Movement Mechanics: Underwater swimming, Parachuting, Leap move (not sure how close to a jump it is - might only be used to enter vehicles?)
Other: Area/scenario selection map (all scenarios are playable from the get go?), Many different vehicles: Tank, jeep, boat, truck, chopper, airplane, zeppelin, balloon, bus, train, crawler, submarine, minisub, ship, flying boat, flying sub, hovercraft
Save in-between missions
Island and world maps, Detailed info on each island in the manual
Autoroute/pilot and Quick Time/Fast travel options
Day/night cycle
Resting mechanic
Unit position tracker (god's eye)
Changing psychological profile based on your actions when meeting NPCs (Charm, Sex Appeal, Bribery, Threats, Reason, Pleading, Authority and Deception) - used for persuading NPCs
Physical stats "may change over time"? (Reflexes, Endurance, Sturdiness, Recuperation, and Stamina)
Can cut off enemy supply routes (later used in Outcast)
Some traitor NPCs ("having betrayed you once, a traitor will never betray you again - he is terrified of your taking revenge, and will do all he can to help you.")
Encounter enemy and neutral vehicles while traveling
Stealth element (enemies can search for and find you going by your footprint/vehicle trace - after a certain point they'll time out and stop searching, it's possible to sneak up on certain types of enemy vehicle from behind)
Some tool gating besides vehicles (explosives and mines for buildings, sniping rifle?, rocket pack)
Playthrough - Video Review