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​Captain America and the Avengers (NES, 1991)

​Captain America and the Avengers (NES, 1991)

Subgenre: Very similar in structure to Bionic Commando or GI Joe: Atlantis Factor (Hub map), Collectathon (a hidden key crystal in each level)

Other: 2-player vs. battle mode (can select bosses here)

No new abilities/tools gained over the course of the game for use within levels
Two different playable chars (Captain America and Hawkeye - start off separated but once joined they can be switched between during a level; can float on water and stand on spikes using the shield+attack downwards in mid-air+dash/charge+cling to various objects as Captain America / Shoot in 5 directions as Hawkeye, Iron Man and The Vision aren't playable despite being on the box and in the manual)
HP & AP upgrades (collect gems)
Losing a life means the hero you were using is captured and imprisoned on the other side of the map (leads to backtracking) - losing both costs a continue
Can exit a level at any time and replay beaten levels
Can move past cities on the map with a Jet after beating the Las Vegas level (far into the game)
No save or password save
No level maps

Playthrough - Video Review

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