Romancia/Dragon Slayer Jr. (PC-88 & 98/MSX, 1986/NES, 1987) - WIP
​Subgenre: ARPG-ish (towns, trading, fetch quests)
Other: Time limit (30 mins), Sequel to Dragon Slayer II
Can get stuck
No save feature (added in the 1999 remake)
Upgradeable defense (bought)
NES ver.: Much larger world, some puzzles are different and some are removed, more action focus, no timer, an item lets you resurrect from death a handful of times, some invincibility time after you get hit, enemies drop health power-ups, some obtuse puzzle design (see HG101 review), smoother but still slow movement, wider gameplay viewport
Some tool/ability gating (Feather of Pegasus - limited flight, Lamp for dark rooms, Pendant - teleport back to surface, Robe - temporary invincibility; other items are used like keys)
Revival item (Fruit of the Life Tree)
Playthrough (NES) - Video Review - Review
Influenced by: Xanadu, possibly SMB or Ghosts 'n Goblins
Influenced: Probably Legacy of the Wizard, Zeliard, possibly Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Cadash