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Cauldron II/Cauldron 2: The Pumpkin Strikes Back (C64, 1986) - WIP

Cauldron II/Cauldron 2: The Pumpkin Strikes Back (C64, 1986) - WIP

Subgenre: Collectathon-ish (collect 2 (?) ingredients to mix a potion with)

Movement mechanics: Bouncing ball avatar and physics (see Within a Deep Forest)

Energy (includes weapon energy) restore points
Most items act as protection from specific attacks or keys rather than giving you a new move or attack to explore more of the castle with (the one exception is the magical star which lets you shoot in 8 directions and it's a soft gate)
No save or password save?
No map?
Randomized starting location (8 different ones, 4 on C64)

Playthrough - Review

Influenced by: Probably Jet Set Willy or Monty on the Run

Influenced: Possibly Omega Orb, Wthin a Deep Forest

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