Underwurlde (Spectrum, 1984) - WIP
Subgenre: Maze Platformer/Collectathon-lite (need three specific weapons to destroy certain barriers in the form of guardian creatures)
Extendable ropes which you can also swing back and forth with to achieve longer momentum-based jumps (these all seem to be preplaced)
Item inventory (three items, weapons only)
Can put items on the ground and have them stay there for later use (there doesn't seem to be a point to this though?)
No map
No save or password save
Can only die from falling more than two screens down
Four different weapons but the projectile behaves the same except for the torch which fires bouncing fire bullets
Birds can pick you up and drop you off elsewhere (randomly? Only useful to get out of a couple of dead end pits)
No ability/tool gating
Influenced by: Probably Spelunker, Montezuma's Revenge (or the other way around), Aztec, possibly Pharaoh's Curse, Shamus: Case II, Downland, Mountain King, Donkey Kong series
Influenced: Possibly Hero of the Golden Talisman, Starquake, Citadel, Arc of Yesod, Castle Quest, Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror, Finders Keepers, The Covenant, Metroid