Montezuma's Revenge (Multi, 1984) & Panama Joe (Spectrum, 1984)
Subgenre: Maze Platformer/​Collectathon (level-based+life-based but each level is a maze (which gets larger the further you get))
Linear overarching structure (go from level to level in a set order)
Temporary tools and weapons (torches which light up dark rooms disappear between levels)
No map? (introduced in the GBC sequel?)
No save or password save?
Playthrough - Video Review/Retrospective
Influenced by: Probably Aztec, Pharaoh's Curse, Spelunker, possibly Shamus: Case II, Downland, Donkey Kong series
Influenced: Possibly Underwurlde (or the other way around), Starquake, Citadel, Cauldron, Doriath, Castle Quest, Finders Keepers, Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror, Spellbound, Digger T. Rock: Legend of the Lost City, Wizards & Warriors?